Hola! Welcome to my site!

I am Software Engineer based in Silicon Valley. I am an environmentalist turned engineer and am a lover of all things green. Learning new programming languages and taking on new challenges is what drives me. I have an extensive knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, and React. My skills highly reflect across screens and teams I've worked with and am looking for my next endeavor in programming. Check out some projects I've worked on so far!

Recent Work


Plant-y is your one-stop shop for your most favorite plants. It is a sub app that will order your desired amount of plants monthly/yearly, the choice is yours build your forest today! Built with React.js

Time Tracker

Keep track of your goals with this time tracker which delivers daily to monthly data! Get to your goals now! Built with React.js


Pokemon! Im sure anyone who is anyone has played or atleast heard about the anime. I created a Poke site to help followers find more detail about each Pokemon and their evolutions. Using APIs with async functionality, I was able to pull the necessary data for every request. I created this site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Stay Hydrated

Want to keep track of your water intake? Look no further than this app that will help you reach your daily hydration goal

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